Apr 20, 2008

Gotta Love Extra Innings! [Twins 2, The Tribe 1]

The lesson learned from today?

With Scotty's abnormally long legs and lack of torso, anything is possible. I know he didn't get the win, but 7 innings with 5 hits and 1 run against Paul Byrd is pretty darn good, especially when L has decided that Byrd is the Red Dog of the Indians--a bad ass veteran. I think he knew today. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he looked 17ish today and was giving the Indian lineup evil faces. Whatever it was, it was working.

What wasn't working? Our offense. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of us hitting the ball to a place where someone is standing... Is that necessary? I'm going to go ahead and say no. During this series we scored an amazing 5 runs... really guys? Really? Goal for next series: let's aim for scoring 10 runs. Yes? I think it's doable. Although we have to hand it to Justin today! Walk-off hits are pretty mind-blowing and not only that, he hit 3 out of the 5 RBIs this series. Good work Canada.

But sorry to say, the Repub beats you out for B.O.D., lets face it, he actually did good today... I was just happy that someone other than Canada or Kubes decided to hit the long ball. So for tying the game up to 1-1. Nicely done for a republican.

L: I love a republican... WTFFF!

Also we have to give a shout out to Gomez. What an amazing catch, Hunter couldn't have even pulled that one out (even with his new Bentley). Right after the catch a friend of mine sent me a text and I think it really sumed it up, "Gomez 4 President." I fully agree.

In other Twins news, the 4th commerical should be coming out any day now. They showed some of it during the game today. It was the best thing ever...
Moneypenny: I LOVE IT!
Dick and Bert loved the ad as well and later made fun of Shaggy's "monotone voice." It was wonderful.

In fact, the whole game was wonderful. Like I said, with Scotty's freakishly long legs, anything is possible.


Elle said...

I love it.

Almost as much as I love Frankie's cymbal playing.

RK said...

Harris is a Republican, huh? How did you come across this sort of information? Why the hell is every single baseball player so ensconced with the GOP?

I don't like getting political (that's my other blog) but Curt Schilling really ruined a good moment in 2004 after the Series by telling people who to vote for.