Feb 5, 2008


This is what happens when I find ridiculous pictures of Nick Punto.

There are more waiting in the wings...and if anyone has any funny pictures of any of the Twins...send 'em my way.


Miss. Moneypenny said...

Sometimes I think you have too much time on your hands:)

Karlee said...

Hahahaha LOLTWINS are the shit.
I have a couple in my past posts, and YES you can add me to your links silly thing!


RK said...

Yeah, karl E cubed is right, lol Twins are awesome.

What you can't tell from this picture, and this is very important, is that this is actually an actual size photo picture (while I was repeating redundancies...). That's how big his fathead is, no joke.

It's true.

Elle said...

That I did not know, and I find it completely ridiculous...

And it's not a surplus of time, Moneypenny...it was a method of NOT studying anymore for my bio test...