I know it's the obvious thing to do, but I am giving Nick Blackburn the B.O.D. He deserves it-- throwing a shut out when you're a rookie is pretty incredible. Nick has impressed me with all his outings so far, which I'm taking to be a very good sign. Way to go, Stud.

In other news, it has become clear to me that it is most definitely time to return to Minnesota. Last night I dreamt that I was dating Johnathon Papelbon. The Amazing Irish Step Dancing Closer himself.
What. The. F?!
Don't get me wrong, I love Pap. I bought his shirt here way before any of the dancing (Summer of '07, in fact) or crazy antics because I think he is an amazing pitcher. He's right behind Joe Nathan on my list of Favorite Bad Ass Closers. But...really, it came out of no where. I haven't even seen him pitch more than once this season.
Maybe it's his Dunkin' Donuts ad where he gets slapped on the butt by a bunch of people...his face is priceless (I tried to look for a video of this, but no go...).
All I know is that if I'm dreaming of dating a pitcher, it should be Kevin Slowey...or at least someone from the Twins. Not that Johnathon was a bad boyfriend. Really, I guess I'd date Pap again...I mean, he is adorable...

*Blatantly stolen from Pulling A Blyleven
By all means, steal as much as you want. We follow the James Frey philosophy of authorship.
Even coming from a man secure in his heterosexuality perspective, I have to say that we've gotten quite a stable of handsome pitchers, with the notable exception of Boof, who they keep around to make everyone else look THAT much better. Livan's even got that Sean Connery older man thing going on for people..into that sort of thing. Which I'm not....oh boy.
Hey, Boof's not so bad anymore...
And really, our entire team is pretty decent looking...
And by "team" that obviously does not include Rincon, right?
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